One Direction je britsko-irská chlapecká hudební skupina, kterou tvoří Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles a Louis Tomlinson. Skončili třetí v sedmé sérii The X- Factor, poté skupina podepsala nahrávací smlouvu se společností Syco Music, dceřinou firmou Sony Music.
V X-Factoru se nejdříve snažili uspět jako jednotlivci, ale na bootcampu je Nicole Sherzinger, Simon Cowell a Louis Walsh dali dohromady a skupina postoupila do domu porotců. Zde zazpívali píseň Torn a postoupili do semifinálových kol. V těch postupně zazpívali písně Viva la Vida od skupiny Coldplay, My Life Would Suck without You od Kelly Clarkson, Nobody Knows od Pink, Total Eclipse of the Heart od Bonnie Tyler, Kids in America od Kim Wilde, The Way You Look Tonight od Eltona Johna, All You Need Is Love od The Beatles, Summer of 69 od Bryana Adamse, You Are So Beautiful od Joa Cockera, ' Only Girl in the World od Rihanny, Chasing Cars od Snow Patrol, Your Song od Eltona Johna, She's the One (s Robbiem Williamsem) a opět Torn od Natalie Imbruglie.
Od prosince 2011 do července 2012 absolvovali turné Up All Night
Tour, jehož koncerty se odehrály ve Spojeném království, Irsku,
Austrálii, Novém Zélandu, USA, Kanadě a Mexiku. V únoru a březnu
vystupovali společně se Big Time Rush
na jejich americkém turné Better with U Tour. Od února 2013 bude
probíhat jejich samostatné druhé turné, One Direction 2013 World Tour.
V roce 2012 vyhráli s písní What Makes You Beautiful cenu BRIT AWARD za nejlepší britský singl.
Vydali dvě knihy Forever Young a Dare to Dream.
Hostovali v seriálu iCarly v epizodě iGo One Direction (6. série, díl 96) a objevili se také v show Saturday Night Live (série 37, díl 720).
One Direction is a British-Irish boy band, consisting of Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. They finished third on the seventh series of The X-Factor, then the group signed a record contract with Syco Music, a subsidiary of Sony Music.
The X-Factor is first trying to succeed as individuals, but bootcamp is Nicole Sherzinger, Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh put together and the group proceeded to the house of jurors. You sang a song of Torn and advanced to the semifinal rounds. In those songs sung gradually Viva la Vida by Coldplay, My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson, Nobody Knows by Pink, Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler, Kids in America by Kim Wilde, The Way You Look Tonight by Elton John, All You Need Is Love by The Beatles, Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams, You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker, 'Only Girl in The World by Rihanna, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, Your Song by Elton John, She's the One (with Robbie Williams) and again Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.
From December 2011 to July 2012 tour in Up All Night Tour, whose concerts have taken place in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Mexico. In February and March, performed along with Big Time Rush on their U.S. tour Better with U Tour. Since February 2013 they will be separate second tour, One Direction 2013 World Tour.
In 2012, won with the song What Makes You Beautiful price BRIT Award for Best British Single.
They released two books, Forever Young and Dare to Dream.
Hosted the show in an episode of iCarly iGo One Direction (6th series, vol 96), and also appeared on the show Saturday Night Live (series 37, episode 720).
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