neděle 28. října 2012

One Direction video tour diary 3

One direction video tour diary 2

One Direction video tour diary 1

Harry Styles

Harry Edward Styles
 (* 1. února 1994)

  je nejmladší ze skupiny. Pochází z města Holmes Chapel v Cheshire. Má starší sestru, která se jmenuje Gemma. Před X Factorem pracoval v pekárně. Na konkursu zpíval písničku „Isn't she lovely“.

 is the youngest of the group. From the city of Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. She has an older sister, named Gemma. Before X Factor has worked in the bakery. At the audition he sang the song "Is not She Lovely."

Niall Horan

Niall James Horan
 (* 13. září 1993)

  je druhý nejmladší člen One Direction. Má jednoho staršího sourozence, který se jmenuje Greg Horan. Niall jako jediný z kapely pochází z Irska z města Mullingar. Studoval na Coláiste Mhuire a chtěl se později věnovat elektromechanice. Ještě před X Factorem s pomocí Lloyd Daniels pořádal koncerty po celém Dublinu. Niall nejen zpívá, ale také hraje na kytaru, se kterou doprovází několik písniček. Na konkurzu v X Factoru zpíval píseň So Sick

 is the second youngest member of One Direction. He has an older sibling named Greg Horan. Niall is the only Irish band comes from the town of Mullingar. He studied at Coláiste Mhuire and would later dedicate electromechanics. Before X Factor Lloyd Daniels with concerts held throughout Dublin. Niall not only sings, but also plays the guitar, is accompanied by a few songs. The X Factor audition in singing the song So Sick

Zayn Malik

Zayn (Zain) Javadd Malik
 (* 12. ledna 1993)

 je druhý nejstarší člen kapely. Pochází ze města Bradford v Anglii a má 3 sestry, které se jmenují Doniya, Waliyha a Safaa.

 is the second oldest member of the band. It comes from the city of Bradford in England and has 3 sisters, called Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa.

Louis Tomlinson

Louis William Tomlinson
(* 24. prosince 1991)

 Je nejstarší ze skupiny. Má pět mladších nevlastních sester Georgii, Félicité, Lottie a dvojčata Daisy a Phoebe. Pochází z města Doncaster. Byl studentem ve škole Hall Cross School. Louis v konkursu v X-factoru jako sólový zpěvák zpíval píseň "Hey There Delilah".

 It is the oldest of the group. He has five younger half sisters Georgia, Félicité, Lottie and twins Daisy and Phoebe. From the city of Doncaster. He was a student at the school Hall Cross School. Louis in bankruptcy in the X-Factor as a solo singer sang the song "Hey There Delilah".

Liam Payne

Liam James Payne   
(* 29. srpna 1993)

Pochází z města Wolverhampton a má dvě starší sestry, Nicole a Ruth. V X-Factoru zpíval jako sólový zpěvák "Cry Me a River.

From the city of Wolverhampton and has two older sisters, Nicole and Ruth. The X-Factor as a solo singer sang "Cry Me a River.

úterý 23. října 2012


Jenom bych chtěla připomenout, že budu ráda za každý komentář!!! : D Děkuju


Kdo se chce podívat na One Direction facebook tady má te odkaz oficiální stránky:



Ahojky mé jméno je Dominika a miluju 1D a budu se snažit, aby se Vám u Mě líbilo!!!S pozdravem Dominika

Live While We’re Young

Live While We’re Young

Live While We’re Young

Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up the windows down

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool
And we know it too
Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool
So tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy
till we see the sun
I know we only met
but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
and live while we're young
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
and live while we're young
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some

And live while we're young

Hey girl, it's now or never, it's now or never
Don't over think just let it go
And if we get together, yeah, get together
Don't let the pictures leave your phone

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool
So tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy
till we see the sun
I know we only met
but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
and live while we're young
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
live while we're young
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some

And live while we're young

And girl, you and I, we're about to make some
memories tonight

I wanna live while we're young
We wanna live while we're young

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy
till we see the sun
I know we only met
but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
and live while we're young

Crazy, crazy, crazy
till we see the sun
I know we only met
but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
and live while we're young

At the background:
I wanna live,I wanna live ...

Young! We wanna live while we're young

Tonight let's get some

And live while we're young


neděle 21. října 2012




What Makes You Beautiful


You're insecure
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or
Don't need make up
To cover up
Being the way that you are is enough.

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that to flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, Oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful.

So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a so-o-ong
I don't know why
You're being shy
And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful

Na na na na na na na
na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
na na na na na

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful.

One Direction